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Gameplay terms

Below is a list of the various Anglo-Saxon (Old English) gameplay terms associated with Mǽrstánas.


(pl. heorras)

"hinge", refers to the connection a stone has with an adjacent stone or with the edge of the board


"danger, peril", the state of having four hinges; stones may not be played where they would be in this state or would cause any adjacent stones to be in this state

freóndlíc heorr

(pl. freóndlíc heorras)

"friendly hinge", these are used in calculating each player's score


(pl. mǽrstánas)

"boundary stone", the game derives its name from this term because of the adjacent nature in which stones are scored


"god" or "mouth" rune, usually associated with Odin/Woden


(pl. stánas)

"stone", the game is literally played with stones of different colors


"board", used for playing Mǽrstánas similar to the one used in the game of Hnefetafl


"thorn" or "Thor" rune, associated with brute force


"thunder-stone", so named because of its devastating power when placed next to adjacent stones


"Woden-stone", so named because of the stone's ability to reveal the true nature of an opponent's stone, much like Woden's disguise of the wanderer hid his godly identity

Last modified: 18 April 2024