Maerstanas 0.4.1 Help

Alternate rules and scoring

The wraparound rule ("Advanced Mǽrstánas")

  • When considering hinges for edge positions, instead of counting the edge as a hinge, look at the position on the opposite side of the board.

    • For example, position A2 would only count a hinge if a friendly stone was placed at G2. Likewise B3 would need to look at B7.

    • Stones places in corners would need to consider both opposing corners.

  • When the "wraparound" rule is in effect, edges are not automatically scored as hinges. Only true stone-to-stone hinges, including wraparound positions, are scored.

  • Note: This rule may create positions that normally look unplayable. Care must be exercised when looking at edge plays.

Simple scoring

When playing with the default / traditional ruleset, disregard scoring all edge hinges. This results in a lower scoring game but may make it easier for new or younger players to grasp scoring more quickly.

Last modified: 18 April 2024